Explore These Southeast Queensland Campground Spots that are Perfect for Hikers

If you’re a camping and hiking fanatic, you probably have a couple of go-to spots. If you can hike it with a blindfold on, we say it’s time to get a new favourite campground! Fortunately, Queensland is a camper’s paradise, and we’ve got some campground suggestions for you to explore.

Check out these awesome camper sites ready for you to explore on foot.

Cedar Grove Campground, Amamoor Creek 

The campsite is in the Amamoor State Forest, known for its rainforests and the famous Cedar Grove trail hike. Throughout the hike you’ll pass by white and red cedars, and in their branches, you’ll see many types of birds perched and chirping away. Bird watching is a popular pastime for those hiking throughout the forest. Look for the Australasian Figbird, Regent Bowerbird or Satin Bowerbird amongst many others. See how many you can spot! The area has cozy campsites for all sized camping groups.

Springbrook National Park, Gold Coast Hinterland

Springbrook National Park, you practically picture how beautiful this campsite is just from reading the name. It really does have everything, scenic walks that lead to picturesque waterfalls, babbling brooks, lush forests and some of Australia’s cutest creatures. This site is unique because it has a great camping community supporting it. So even though you’re a newcomer, you can probably find someone who can show you to all the best spots.

Peach Trees Campground, Jimna State Forest 

Sounds relatively charming, doesn’t it? Well, that’s because it is! This state forest park offers scenic hikes that lead around the forest and Yabba Creek. Spend the day getting lost amongst the pines and stop to pose for a classic picture on the suspension bridge over the rushing water. Once you’re done hiking, head back to your campsite and enjoy a barbecue cooked up on the open fireplace.

Right around dusk, the campsite is known to get a couple of curious kangaroos bouncing around, so be sure to keep an eye out for them!

Blue Lagoon Campground, Morteon Island

If you’ve completed the last three hikes, then there’s no doubt you’re starting to get a little tired! Blue Lagoon offers a nice change of pace for you. The campsite is located on the eastern side of Moreton Island. There are easy walking trails alongside stretches of beaches that you can lounge upon.

However, if you’re not yet tired, you can always check out the sand dunes. Some of these dunes are the highest in the world. Time to try something new and go sand surfing! It’s quite a unique camping experience, if we do say so ourselves. Once you’re done there, you can cool off in the water. Snorkeling amongst the shipwrecks adds to the adventure.

Camper Trailer Finance

Keen to get out into the great outdoors but don’t have the right set up! AAA Finance can help with both 4WD finance and camper trailer or caravan finance. Our friendly and experienced consultants at AAA Finance and Insurance will make the process quick and easy. With a large range of lenders and expert advice we will get you the best deal in town. Contact AAA today and get exploring!